Greetings, fellow travelers on this potholed highway we call life. If you are reading this, I must assume that you have frequently crossed paths with me: young, frustrated Mormon sometimes-poet, all-the-times daydreamer Devin. If this is the case, you have my sincerest condolences. If this is not the case, then who the heck are you!? Why are you reading this, creepy internet stalker!? Get a life and follow Nathan Fillion's twitter or something...
Anyhow, this blog actually first came into being as an entertainment news/commentary blog entitled "Musing About Movies" that I created to receive extra-credit in my Journalism course last year. Since completing the necessary requirements to earn my extra credit I sadly let the blog fall by the way-side and on into obscurity.
And now that we have that extremely thrilling and informative explanation out of the way allow me to procrastinate my assigned reading for History 352 a little longer and talk about my goals for this newly rechristened blog:
1) To post whatever random rambling or rant I wish to make known to friends and family, preferably in a somewhat humorous fashion.
2) To post reviews of the movies, books, and music which I waste my life away in consuming.
3) To update any concerned parties with my progress in realizing such dreams as writing and getting published, earning a degree in history, getting a job, slaying dragons, composing music, etc.
4) To actually start posting and updating on a regular basis, hopefully entertaining those actually willing to take time to read this blog while creating a psuedo-record of my life.
So continue on with your lives, fellow pilgrims. Listen to your heart, climb every mountain, watch Star Wars, and, whenever you're in the mood to inhale the mysterious, unpredictable, intoxicating gas that is Devin Christensen's thoughts, come to "Dreaming at the Wheel," at
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