Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Constitution of the United States of America: March 4, 1789 - June 28, 2012


 Let us bow our heads for a minute in silence to honor the recently departed.

Now, it must be admitted that our dear friend the Constitution had not been feeling that well for the better part of the last century.  But still I think we can all agree that it's a dreadful, heartbreaking day to see the final nail driven into the coffin.  For an epitaph I propose we put this excerpt of the dissent opinion in the SCOTUS's ruling on Obamacare today:

"The Constitution, though it dates from the founding of the Republic, has powerful meaning and vital relevance to our own times. The constitutional protections that this case involves are protections of structure. Structural protections—notably, the restraints imposed by federalism and separation of powers—are less romantic and have less obvious a connection to personal freedom than the provisions of the Bill of Rights or the Civil War Amendments. Hence they tend to be undervalued or even forgotten by our citizens. It should be the responsibility of the Court to teach otherwise, to remind our people that the Framers considered structural protections of freedom the most important ones, for which reason they alone were embodied in the original Constitution and not left to later amendment. The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our Government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty at peril. Today’s decision should have vindicated, should have taught this truth; instead, our judgment today has disregarded it."

- Justices Kennedy, Alito, Scalia & Thomas

Rest in Peace.

*Btw, here's a link to a pdf of the whole decision.

I am Anti-Driving and I am PROUD!

            Yes, it's true,I am anti-driving.  I know it’s a controversial position to take, but I am deeply, sincerely, viscerally against people driving cars when they do not have a legally obtained driver’s license. 
I know what you’re thinking: how can I be so heartless to deny the blessing of driving a vehicle to those who have not obtained a driver’s license.  The process of getting a driver’s license is ridiculously burdensome and convoluted: getting a permit and being allowed to practice ONLY when a licensed person is available and willing to help out; having to study for a test and remember things like who has the right of way at a four-way stop; standing around smelly people in DMV lines for who knows how long; having to drive while being scrutinized and judged by a strange instructor you don’t know while taking the test; having to actually pay money for the license; getting an invariably embarrassing photo taken of yourself for the license.  Ugh, the list goes on and on. Being allowed to drive is essential to surviving in modern America these days.  How are you supposed to get to your work, experience all the regions and beauties of this world, and transport your children to school or activities if you aren’t legally allowed to drive.   How can you be expected to “pursue happiness” as Thomas Jefferson said, if you’re not allowed to drive.  Being allowed to drive on these publicly funded roads is a right, DANG IT!
            And I have to admit, those are all valid points.  But I don’t care.  I am too consumed with hate for others to think they are entitled to drive cars without first having to comply with all the rules and procedures of our corrupt and stupid government bureaucracy.  I support laws that demand people submit to tests to prove driving competency before they be allowed freedom to get behind the wheel unsupervised; you see, this way I can be sure that the broke, the idle, the children, and the blind (all groups that I find repulsive) are barred from driving themselves wherever they wish to go. 
            Now, others may tell you that they support these laws requiring a driver’s license because it can help minimize dangerous driving and accidents on the road by making sure only those who have demonstrated driving competency can drive (or also through the revoking of licenses of those who have demonstrated reckless and dangerous driving).  But don’t you believe a word of it.  They are all like me; they're consumed by hatred and bigotry and want to make sure that the number of people allowed to partake of the joys of driving is kept as small and restricted as possible.  I’m just the only one brave enough to be honest about my feelings.
I’m anti-driving and in spite of my blog's name I certainly don't want anybody "dreaming at the wheel."  Deal with it!